Saturday, December 3, 2016

ARC REVIEW Split by JB Salsbury

I have always been fascinated by multiple personalities. There is something so impressive about the brain working to protect itself by disassociating one personality and creating a whole new one for self preservation. With Split it's greast because you see the POV from three people Lucas, Shyann, and Gage; I'm not much one for first person POV but this one was done really well. I love the anomalous nature of the story, it's not like so many of the other stories out right now. It is dark and gritty but the romance part of the story really is a great romance about loving absolutely and completely no matter what.
Lucas he is scared of his other self because he doesn't remember all that goes on he just wakes up and has to clean up the mess that was created. He has done well to avoid situations where his other self feels the need to come out. He is also afraid of someone finding out and being taken away and institutionalized. He's found a place where he feels safe he's working and is content.

Shyann swore she would never return home, but after she blew her change by acting like a caring human and not exploiting a story on live t.v. she pretty much ruined her chance for being an on air new reporter. She came back home because she has nowhere else to go now she has to face her father. Her relationship with her father pretty much ranked when her mother died. Shyann has not given up on her career yet and there is something about the quiet and sexy Lucas that has piqued her curiosity. But she might have bitten off more than she can handle when she meets Gage.  

Everything is pretty intense between Lucas and Shyann but throw in the fact that all around the area someone has been attacking women and when Lucas' blackout start happening more frequently he is scared of what he might be doing and what everyone else is thinking about him. The one who stands by him is Shyann.

Overall, this book was outstanding. I would recommend this book all day long.  

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