Tuesday, September 19, 2017

ARC REVIEW Storm Gathering by Rebecca Zanetti

Storm Gathering is book four of Rebecca Zanetti's Scorpius Syndrome. (Heads up there is quite a bit of name calling in this review and Amazon will have me censor it) I wasn't sure I was going to like this one, I really wanted to read it because I am interested in where RAZ is going with it but Greyson is not my favorite, I don't hate him as much as Jax but he's up there. I mean why would I like the guy who kidnapped my favorite character's sister and blackmailed him? ( see Scorpius Syndrome book 2 Shadow Falling) Another thing I was worried about was how this romance wasn't going to be Stockholm/Lima Syndrome case (turns out it was more like Lima than Stockholm. It's not really but it gets really close to it). So Greyson isn't as much of an asshole as I thought he would be, he is kinda sweet when he wants to be but still a hard headed prick most of the time. Hell, even Moe wasn't sure she liked him, sure she was attracted to him but it wasn't until almost the end when she realized she loved him.

Greyson Storm is the leader of the Mercenaries, he kidnaps Maureen Storm to use as leverage against her brother Raze Storm into doing his bidding. Which is to take Vivienne Wellington from the Vanguard Territory and bring her to Grey. Grey is looking for someone and he believes Vinnie knows where he is hiding. All of this happened in Storm Falling, the beginning of this book, the first couple of chapters is from the POV of  Moe, Maureen Storm, during the events of that book and how she doesn't give up trying to escape. Moe is attracted to Grey he's walking sex on stick, she also sees that he is a good leader and he makes sure innocents are sent down to Vanguard territory. One drunken night Grey and Moe give into the temptation.

Once Moe is with her brother Raze and the Vanguards, she starts to miss Grey, she also knows he can help her. She needs to find out if there are any viable seeds or green houses in the area. Grey promises to help her if she comes back, even if it's just a week. Raze and Jax won't let her go so easily even if she wants to. So Grey kidnaps her again. They work it out. One of my big issues is how stupidly stubborn Jax and Grey are I swear at one point I wanted to bang my head on my desk, oh wait I actually did. But it's funny because even Moe comments on how things should be run by the woman. Grey has a big moral dilemma, he knows he has fallen in love with Moe but the sociopath of a President has dangled the one thing Grey has been working for since this all started, vengeance. But with Moe in his life now can he risk her? 

Overall, it was an enjoyable read despite some of the very aggravating asshole things that happen and as always, like with the other three books, I wish it was more like the prequel novella and more technical and sci-fi than romance. And of course I keep reading because I want to find out about Nora and Deacon!!!! It seems like they have a list of all the obstacles that they need to overcome but with every book they discover a new one and they overcome another one or two, but they didn't start really accomplishing shit until book three. Despite the hesitancy going into this book I did enjoy it, even if the Scorpius Syndrome gives men an excuse to act like alpha assholes. 

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